Kingdom Agriculture

Last Thursday (June 12), I attended a wonderful ice cream social sponsored by Rural Vermont. Rural Vermont is holding a series of these socials around the state to celebrate the agricultural legislation passed last year by the General Assembly. Two notable pieces include a bill that increases the amount of raw milk that can be sold directly from farms and a second bill that starts the process to permit Vermont farmers to plant industrial hemp.

Nitche farming holds a lot of promise for our small local farms. Eric Paris and his wife Cathy were at the social explaining all of the unique things they are doing on their farm, Tamarlane Farm. One of the most significant is a composting operation that takes compost from Lyndon Town School, Lyndon Institute, and Lyndon State College. Students at each of these schools are trained to self separate compostables, recyclables and land fill items. Eric emphasized how students, by self separating their waste over 16 years of education, would develop the life long habit of green living.

Many thanks to the local farms who donated ingredients for the social. All of these ingredients can be purchased directly from their farms.

Eric Paris & Family - Tamarlane Farm, Lyndonville, 626-3265 - Raw cow's milk, grass fed beef, turkeys, veggies, compost.

Elizabeth Hubbard & hayden Tanner - Rainbow's Edge Farm, Sutton, 467-3639 - Raw cow's milk

Susannah Morlock & Sally Fishburn, - Hills of Home Farm, Danville, 684-2524 - Raw goat's milk

Annette Hyder & Family - Goss Sugar House, Barnet, 274-6097 - Maple Syurp


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